What is an Independent Natural Juice Therapist?


An independent natural juice therapist assists in healing your personal health issues using nature’s own natural raw pharmacy from fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs. These are in the form of freshly extracted liquid juices, full of raw vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and enzymes which help to bring one’s health back in balance. Our totally natural fresh juices will kick start your ‘juicilicious’ journey to optimum health the natural way.

An independent natural juice therapist will never diagnose your condition, but will instead ‘prescribe’ particular fruit and vegetable juices, plans and supplements where necessary for whatever particular condition you have. An independent natural juice therapist will look at your medical condition,
lifestyle and dietary history, find what could work for you and your lifestyle, and act as a ‘health coach’ and juice therapist.

Disclaimer: An Independent Natural Juice Therapist is NOT A Medical Doctor. Therefore, please never come off of any medical drugs without permission from your doctor.